Perfect Candidate Selection

We have many years’ experience of helping small, medium and multinational companies accurately assess their hiring needs and the likely fit of candidates.

The steps we take to achieve this

  • Understanding

    Before going into action, it is essential we invest time understanding your organisation – your ambitions, your values, your culture. We do this by holding discovery interviews with you and select colleagues. During this phase, your top performing employees will be profiled, using a combination of in-depth, semi-structured interviews, in order to identify common character and personality traits. This preliminary research is vital to ensuring we formulate an accurate picture of the type of candidate/s who will fit and perform well at your company.

  • Sourcing

    Armed with this knowledge, our skilled team of writers will create advertisements and posts designed to attract the attention and interest of the ‘right’ people – people who will thrive at your company.

  • Interviewing

    Suitable candidates are screened during an initial telephone interview. From this we create a long list of ‘potentials’ who we put through their paces during a longer, semi-structured interview. Following this, you will be provided with a report providing details about each of the recommended candidates, along with our pre-determined interview score and notes. You will also receive a a proposed ‘script’, created specifically for the role, to help you conduct the crucial face-to-face interviews. Naturally, we will be on hand to help and support you with your hiring decisions.

  • Managing

    During the selection process, we’ll have got to know and understand your chosen employee/s pretty well. Knowing what makes them tick is valuable information so we’ll provide you with recommendations about how to manage and bring out the best in them.

Contact us today for a no obligation quote
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Bespoke Bids

Attracting top graduates for a bid writing role


Developing a strong interview process to adopt

Bespoke Excel

Growing the business through research based selection

“Our sole aim is to find you employees who perform and stay.”

Sam Smith, operations manager